On June 24, 2018 A.D., our Church of St. John the Baptist observed its parochial holiday of the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. This parochial feast is always a great holiday for the parishioners of the church as well as its visitors. On this day, the solemn Liturgy was celebrated, and then a festive dinner was held for all the parishioners.
For the emigres, the church is not only a place for prayer, but it is also a “piece of Ukraine" where one can hear their own language, gather with friends, participate in a dialogue, and etc. Today and always, we as a proud congregation give thanks to the Lord God for our parish, which this year will celebrate 111 years since its founding in America. We humbly ask for the Most Holy Mother of God for her intercession on our behalf and help from the Almighty God.